Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (9): 4204-4212.doi: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2024.09.044
• Clinical Veterinary Medicine • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jianing WANG(), Ziqiang ZHANG, Shuaishuai WANG, Yumei LIU*(
Yumei LIU;
CLC Number:
Jianing WANG, Ziqiang ZHANG, Shuaishuai WANG, Yumei LIU. Mixed Infection and Drug Sensitivity Analysis of Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Coccidia from Rabbits[J]. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2024, 55(9): 4204-4212.
Fig. 2
Observation on morphology and culture characteristics of 2 strains of isolated bacteria A-C. Colony morphology of LY-01 on common agar medium, blood agar medium and MacKay agar medium, respectively; D. LY-01 Gram stain (1 000×); E-G. Colony morphology of LY-02 on common agar medium, blood agar medium and MacKay agar medium respectively; H. LY-02 Gram stain (1 000×)"
Table 3
Drug sensitivity test results"
抗菌药物 Antibacterial drug | 含量/(μg·片-1) Content | 大肠杆菌 Escherichia coli | 奇异变形杆菌 Proteus mirabilis | |||
抑菌圈直径/mm Diameter of inhibition zone | 敏感程度 Sensitivity | 抑菌圈直径/mm Diameter of inhibition zone | 敏感程度 Sensitivity | |||
庆大霉素Gentamicin | 10 | 12 | R | 0 | R | |
新霉素Neomycin | 30 | 12 | R | 10 | R | |
卡那霉素Kanamycin | 30 | 12 | R | 9 | R | |
恩诺沙星Enrofloxacin | 10 | 11 | R | 16 | R | |
环丙沙星Ciprofloxacin | 5 | 12 | R | 21 | S | |
四环素Tetracycline | 30 | 10 | R | 10 | R | |
多西环素Doxycycline | 30 | 10 | R | 0 | R | |
丁胺卡那Amikana | 30 | 20 | S | 14 | R | |
杆菌肽Bacitracin | 10 | 0 | R | 0 | R | |
多黏菌素B Polymyxin B | 300 | 15 | S | 0 | R | |
阿奇霉素Azithromycin | 15 | 11 | I | 13 | I | |
青霉素Penicillin | 10 | 24 | S | 14 | S | |
复方新诺明Paediatric compound sulfamethoxazole tablets | 250 | 0 | R | 0 | R | |
磺胺异噁唑Neazolin | 250 | 0 | R | 0 | R | |
头孢曲松Ceftriaxone | 30 | 25 | S | 30 | S |
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