Peer review policy :
Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica operates a double-blind peer review process, which means that the names of authors and their institutions are not disclosed to reviewers, and the reviewer reports provided to authors are anonymous.
Every manuscript submitted for publication is read at least by one editor, for an initial review. If the manuscript agrees with editorial policies and with a minimum quality level, it will sent to two reviewers. Reviewers may suggest acceptance, revisions or rejection. Based on the reviewers' comments, the Editorial Board makes a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript.
Plagiarism Policy
1. Purpose
This policy is designed to define plagiarism and its various forms in academic publishing, and to outline the procedures for handling suspected cases of plagiarism. The goal is to uphold the integrity and credibility of the journal by ensuring that all published content is original and properly attributed.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all authors, reviewers, and editors involved in the submission, review, and publication process of the journal.
3. Types of Plagiarism
Direct Plagiarism: Copying verbatim from a source without proper citation.
Self-Plagiarism: Submitting work that has been previously published by the same author without proper disclosure.
Mosaic Plagiarism: Copying phrases or sentences from multiple sources and piecing them together without proper citation.
Paraphrasing Plagiarism: Changing a few words or phrases while retaining the original structure and ideas without proper attribution.
4. Detection and Prevention
Software Tools: The journal may use plagiarism detection software to screen submissions for originality.
Editorial Review: Editors and reviewers are responsible for identifying potential cases of plagiarism during the review process.
6. Handling Suspected Plagiarism Cases
Initial Assessment: If plagiarism is suspected, the editor will conduct an initial assessment to determine the extent and nature of the alleged plagiarism.
Notification and Response: The author will be notified of the suspicion and given an opportunity to respond. The author should provide any relevant information or explanations regarding the similarities or identical sections found in the manuscript.
Investigation: A thorough investigation will be conducted, which may include consulting with reviewers and other experts in the field. The editor may also use plagiarism detection software to further analyze the manuscript for originality.
Decision: Based on the findings, the editor will make a decision, which may include:
Minor Plagiarism: Requiring the author to revise and properly attribute the copied material. The author will be asked to make necessary changes and resubmit the manuscript for further review.
Major Plagiarism: Rejecting the manuscript and notifying the author's institution. In severe cases, the editor may also consider reporting the case to the author's institution or other relevant bodies.
Published Plagiarism: If the plagiarism is detected in a published work, the journal may issue a correction or retraction of the published work, as appropriate.
7. Appeals
Authors have the right to appeal the decision regarding plagiarism. Appeals should be submitted in writing to the journal's editorial office within 30 days of the decision. The appeal will be reviewed by a panel of editors, and the final decision will be communicated to the author.
8. Record Keeping and Confidentiality
Record Keeping: All cases of plagiarism will be documented and kept on record.
Confidentiality: The identity of the author and the details of the case will be kept confidential during the investigation and resolution process.
Complaint and Suggestion Policy
1. Purpose
This policy outlines the procedures for handling complaints and suggestions from authors, reviewers, editors, and readers of Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. The goal is to ensure a fair, transparent, and efficient process for addressing any concerns and to continuously improve the quality and integrity of the journal.
2. Types of Complaints and Suggestions
Editorial Decisions: Disagreements with editorial decisions, such as manuscript acceptance or rejection.
Peer Review Process: Concerns about the fairness, objectivity, or timeliness of the peer review process.
Ethical Issues: Allegations of plagiarism, data fabrication, or other forms of academic misconduct.
Journal Policies: Suggestions for improving journal policies or procedures.
Publication Quality: Feedback on the quality of published articles or the journal's overall presentation.
3. Submission of Complaints and Suggestions
Complaints and suggestions can be sent to the editorial office at
4. Handling Process
Acknowledgment: The editorial office will acknowledge receipt of the complaint or suggestion within 5 working days.
Initial Assessment: The editor-in-chief or a designated editor will conduct an initial assessment to determine the nature and severity of the issue.
Investigation: If the complaint involves a specific manuscript, the editor will review the manuscript and the peer review reports. If necessary, the editor may consult with reviewers or other experts in the field.
Response: The editor will provide a detailed response to the complainant within 30 days of the initial assessment. If the investigation requires more time, the complainant will be informed of the progress.
Appeals: If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, they may appeal in writing to the editorial board. The appeal will be reviewed by a panel of editors, and the final decision will be communicated to the complainant within 30 days of the appeal.
5. Confidentiality and Anonymity
Confidentiality: The editorial office will maintain the confidentiality of all complaints and suggestions, and will not disclose any information to third parties unless necessary for the investigation.
Anonymity: Complainants may choose to remain anonymous, but the editorial office reserves the right to request contact information for verification purposes.
6. Record Keeping
All complaints and suggestions will be documented and kept on record by the editorial office for future reference and review.
7. Continuous Improvement
The editorial board will regularly review the complaints and suggestions received to identify areas for improvement and to enhance the journal's policies and procedures.
Correction Policy
1. Purpose
This policy outlines the procedures for correcting errors in articles that have been published in Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica (AVZS). The goal is to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the scientific record and to maintain the trust of the readers and the scientific community.
2. Types of Corrections
Erratum (Publisher Correction): Used for errors introduced during the publication process, such as typesetting or printing errors.
Corrigendum (Author Correction): Used for errors made by the authors, such as mistakes in data, analysis, or interpretation.
Retraction: Used when the scientific integrity of the article is compromised due to research misconduct, data fabrication, or other serious issues.
Addendum: Used to provide additional information that was not included in the original publication but is relevant to the understanding of the article.
3. Submission of Corrections
Corrections can be sent to the editorial office at
4. Handling Process
Acknowledgment: The editorial office will acknowledge receipt of the correction request within 5 working days.
Initial Assessment: The editor-in-chief or a designated editor will conduct an initial assessment to determine the nature and severity of the error.
Investigation: If the correction involves a specific manuscript, the editor will review the manuscript and the peer review reports. If necessary, the editor may consult with reviewers or other experts in the field.
Response: The editor will provide a detailed response to the requester within 30 days of the initial assessment. If the investigation requires more time, the requester will be informed of the progress.
Publication: Corrections will be published in the journal and linked to the original article. The original article will be updated to reflect the corrections, and a notice will be added to the article's HTML and PDF versions.
5. Retraction Process
Notification: If a retraction is necessary, the editor will notify the authors and provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for retraction.
Retraction Statement: A retraction statement will be published in the journal, clearly stating the reasons for retraction and linking to the original article. The original article will be marked as retracted but will remain accessible to readers.
6. Appeals
Appeal Process: If the requester is not satisfied with the response, they may appeal in writing to the editorial board. The appeal will be reviewed by a panel of editors, and the final decision will be communicated to the requester within 30 days of the appeal.
7. Record Keeping
Documentation: All corrections and retractions will be documented and kept on record by the editorial office for future reference and review.
8. Transparency and Integrity
Transparency: The journal is committed to transparency in the publication process. All corrections and retractions will be clearly communicated to the readers and indexed in relevant databases.
Integrity: The journal will take all necessary steps to ensure the integrity of the scientific record. This includes investigating allegations of misconduct and taking appropriate action.