Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (10): 4260-4277.doi: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2023.10.023
• ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDS • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Pinghui1,2, PU Guang1,2, WANG Zhongyu1,2, ZHOU Wuduo1,2,3, NIU Peipei2, WU Chengwu2, HOU Liming1,2,3, HUANG Ruihua1,2,3*, LI Pinghua1,2,3*
CLC Number:
LI Pinghui, PU Guang, WANG Zhongyu, ZHOU Wuduo, NIU Peipei, WU Chengwu, HOU Liming, HUANG Ruihua, LI Pinghua. Effect of Dietary Fiber Level on Blood and Intestinal Immune Indexes of Meishan Pigs and Preliminary Analysis of Its Mechanism[J]. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2023, 54(10): 4260-4277.
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