畜牧兽医学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (11): 2778-2784.doi: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2020.11.016

• 预防兽医 • 上一篇    下一篇


于学祥1,2,3, 朱娴静1,2,3, 孙琪1,2,3, 库旭钢1,3, 罗锐1,2, 范盛先1, 何启盖1,2,3*   

  1. 1. 华中农业大学动物医学院, 武汉 430070;
    2. 农业微生物学国家重点实验室, 武汉 430070;
    3. 生猪健康养殖协同创新中心, 武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-14 出版日期:2020-11-25 发布日期:2020-11-20
  • 通讯作者: 何启盖,主要从事动物传染病和动物疾病防控与净化研究,E-mail:he628@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:于学祥(1991-),男,山东聊城人,兽医师,博士,主要从事动物传染病研究,E-mail:yuxuexiang@webmail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Investigation on the Production Performance of gE Antibody Positive Sows in Pig Farms Infected with Wild Type Pseudorabies Virus

YU Xuexiang1,2,3, ZHU Xianjing1,2,3, SUN Qi1,2,3, KU Xugang1,3, LUO Rui1,2, FAN Shengxian1, HE Qigai1,2,3*   

  1. 1. College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Wuhan 430070, China;
    3. The Cooperative Innovation Center for Sustainable Pig Production, Wuhan 430070, China
  • Received:2020-03-14 Online:2020-11-25 Published:2020-11-20

摘要: 伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies,PR)是由伪狂犬病病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)感染多种野生动物及家畜引起的急性、热性的高度接触性传染病。为掌握PRV隐性感染对头胎母猪生产成绩的影响,本研究跟踪调查某一PRV野毒阳性稳定万头母猪场中野毒gE抗体阴性和阳性的头胎母猪总产仔数、健仔数、弱仔数、死胎数、木乃伊胎数、仔猪初生窝重以及断奶活仔数、断奶合格仔数、仔猪断奶重等不同生产成绩指标,探索相同饲养条件下伪狂犬病对头胎母猪各生产指标的影响。结果发现,每头PRV野毒gE抗体阴性头胎母猪每窝平均可产11.96头活仔猪,比gE抗体阳性母猪每胎次多产活仔0.63头,以及每胎次可多提供0.18头断奶活仔,每胎次多提供0.28头断奶合格仔。虽然PRV野毒gE抗体阳性母猪所产仔猪初生均重及断奶均重均高于gE抗体阴性母猪所产仔猪,但gE抗体阴性母猪所产仔猪断奶合格率高于gE抗体阳性母猪,表明其断奶活仔整齐度更高。综上,PRV野毒gE抗体阳性的头胎母猪生产成绩低于gE抗体阴性母猪,伪狂犬病的净化可为猪场带来更高的经济效益,表明伪狂犬病的净化至关重要。

关键词: 伪狂犬病, 规模化猪场, 野毒感染, 生产成绩

Abstract: Pseudorabies (PR) is caused by the Pseudorabies virus (PRV). It is an acute and hot highly contagious disease infecting livestock and a wide range of wild animals. In order to investigate the relationship between latent infection of Pseudorabies virus and sow production performance,this study collected production parameters of first-parity sows with wild virus gE positive and negtive in a Pseudorabies positive stable intensive farm, including total litter size, healthy litter size, weak litter size, stillbirths, mummified fetus, litter weight, number of weaning live, number of weaning qualified and weaning weight. And compared the production performance of PRV gE antibody negative and positive sows in the same intensive pig farm. The study showed that each PRV gE antibody negative sow could produce 11.96 live piglets per parity. Additionally, PRV gE antibody negative sow could provide more alive, weaning and weaning qualified piglets per parity than infection sows, which were 0.63, 0.18 and 0.28, respectively. Although the average birth weight and average weaning weight of piglets produced by PRV gE antibody positive sows were higher than those produced by negative sows, the weaning qualified rate of antibody negative sows was higher than that of antibody positive sows, indicating that the weaning live piglets produced by antibody negative sows had higher uniformity. In summary, the production performance of PRV gE antibody positive sows was lower than that of the negative sows. Eradication of PR can bring higher profit to the pig farm. Pig farm should actively eradicate the PR.

Key words: Pseudorabies, intensive pig farm, infection with the wild virus, production perfor-mance
