Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (7): 2083-2093.doi: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2022.07.006

• ANIMALGENETICS AND BREEDING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Detection of DKK3 and CCR1 Genes Polymorphisms and Their Association with Backfat Thickness in Beijing Black Pigs

TIAN Weilong1,2, LAN Ganqiu1, ZHANG Longchao2, WANG Lixian2, LIANG Jing1*, LIU Xin2*   

  1. 1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;
    2. 2. Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China
  • Received:2021-12-27 Online:2022-07-23 Published:2022-07-23

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of DKK3 and CCR1 genes and their effects on backfat thickness of Beijing black pigs, so as to screen out molecular markers that can be used to improve backfat thickness traits and provide basis for directional breeding of excellent traits in Beijing black pigs. DNA extraction, PCR amplification and gene sequencing were performed on 413 healthy Beijing black pigs to screen SNPs of candidate genes. At the same time, SAS 9.2 software was used to analyze the association between different genotypes of mutation sites and backfat thickness of 6-7th ribs, backfat thickness of lumbosacral region. The results showed that a total of 10 SNPs were detected in the exons of DKK3 gene in Beijing black pig, including 1 splice region variant, 1 missense variant and 8 3'UTR variants. Among them, 4 SNPs of 3' UTR variants were significantly associated with the backfat thickness of lumbosacral region (P<0.05), which were g.47443779 T > C, g.47444258 C > T, g.47444912 G > T and g.47445304 T > C, respectively, and other SNPs had no significant correlation with backfat thickness of lumbosacral region or backfat thickness of 6-7th ribs (P>0.05). A total of 3 SNPs were detected in the exon of CCR1 gene, including 2 synonymous variant and 1 missense variant. One synonymous variant (g.29229037 G > A) was significantly associated with the backfat thickness of 6-7th ribs (P<0.05). The linkage disequilibrium analysis of 10 SNPs in DKK3 showed that g. 47443779 T > C and g. 47443783 C > T were in a completely linked state (D'=1), g. 47443783 C > T and g. 47443858 C > T were in a completely linked state (D'=1), g. 47444258 C > T and g. 47444275 C > T were in a highly linked state (D'=0.98). In summary, SNPs of DKK3 and CCR1 genes were respectively significantly associated with the backfat thickness of lumbosacral region and backfat thickness of 6-7th ribs of Beijing black pig, which could provide reference for the early molecular breeding of backfat thickness in Beijing black pig.

Key words: Beijing black pigs, DKK3, CCR1, backfat thickness

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