罗玉衡, 陈洪, 余冰, 何军, 黄志清, 毛湘冰, 郑萍, 虞洁, 罗钧秋, 陈代文
Short-term or Long-term Intake of High-level Pea Fiber Specifically Affects the Bacterial Community and Metabolites in the Cecum of Pigs
LUO Yu-heng, CHEN Hong, YU Bing, HE Jun, HUANG Zhi-qing, MAO Xiang-bing, ZHENG Ping, YU Jie, LUO Jun-qiu, CHEN Dai-wen
畜牧兽医学报 . 2017, (8): 1459 -1467 .  DOI: 10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2017.08.010